Thursday, May 31, 2007

What's a good Au Pair gig?

I have a question for the Time Out CEP expert editors: what qualifies as a good Au Pair job in New York City? For example, pay rate, vacation days, level of responsibility, etc. I have a friend who is interested in this type of job, and she wants to know what she should ask her future employer.


Mr. Waki

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Ciao Girls!!

so, when the next pic-nic/book club session?! what about friday morning at the park?!

let me know!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Brunch in Central Park!!

Hi Everyone!! We had so much fun today! We should do it more often! Here are some pictures I took! Enjoy them :P

Thursday, May 3, 2007

the conquering chicks of NYC !

Here are the pictures I took on the last day of class at the cafe . Pilar, we missed you !!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Finally Decided Where to Move

Hello, how are you everyone?
This blog has been quiet for a while. It's only been a week since our class was over, but I feel like it's more than a week. I guess it's because, for the whole semester, the class really kept me busy and took the large part of my daily life.

Anyway, I had a busy week with house searching, and last Thurday, we finally made a contract. I'll be moving to Hoboken, New Jersey, 10 minutes path from 34th St. of Manhattan. Well, it's kind of sad that I have to leave Manhattan, but I can't afford to 2 bedroom apartment in Manhattan. That's the reality. I still have one more month to live here in the city, so I'm going to make the most of it. Now my biggest worry - "I'll be kicked out of my home, and there's no place to go." - was gone. I feel much relieved. :)

When is our book club going to be? Next Friday works for everyone?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The group picture was missing someone...

Now, don't make fun of my Photoshop skills (or lack thereof...) Great job last week! I am sad class has finished!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Beautiful Sun...and me in the library!!!

Hola guapas!! Hi beautiful!
I am still working on that damned paper, locked in the library while the sun is finally shining, warm as never before!!
I was on the msn and met Pilar who was going for a pic-nic in Central Park! we thought that would be a great idea to go all together for another pic-nic one of these days as it seems that the sun will last for a while...! we could all bring some food and enjoy the beautiful weather!!
let's do it!
Hey sue, you scared me to death with the story of the raper...let's all watch out!

Finally Spring?

Look at this weather! Now I can say that the notorious winter is officially over. Today I am only putting on a short-sleeve shirt and a light leather jacket, but it still seems like I'm way over dressed. This pleasant sunny weather reminds me of my lost camera. :(

By the way, have you guys heard about the terrible assault happened to a Columbia graduate student in Hamilton Heights? It was so vicious that I just couldn't believe it was actullay committed by a human. It was reported yesterday that the attacker was witnessed around Hamilton Heights again, so anyone living near Columbia University where is close to Hamilton Heights, be extremely careful. Hope you all have a great day.