Monday, April 2, 2007

Around the city with the Folks!!!

Hi all!!!

I am sorry I missed class today, but I am being very busy with my parents, showing them around the city, and I couldn't do any work...It is being very nice to have them here, everyday I want to show them as much as possible because we don't know when is it going to be possible for them to be in NY again!! yesterday we spent all day in Ellis Island, visiting the museum of immigration. It is a very beautiful experience. Basically the museum is set in the place where all the immigrants arrived and where they had to go through all the process to be admitted in the States, like medical visits and psycological and language tests. If you go take the audio guide, it is really well done!!! at night I went with my parents in Harlem, in a very nice tea place which I will review for the magazine!!!
Yoko, thanks for choosing the next short story, sounds exciting!!
hey Tara, was nice to see you in the subway on saturday!! didn't know teachers have a private life as well!!!!! hope your dinner was fun...!!


yoko said...

Hey, Sandra I'm glad hearing from your having a nice time with Parents from Florence. I've never been to the Tea Room in Harlem. It sounds interesting. I watched on NYCTV about a tea room somewhere on the East 100's. Is it the place serving different type of tea, not only English types of tea but varieties of African tea? There are so much curious and hidden place to go in Manhattan.

Yesterday we talked about a next assignment of " Advice Page" that Tara send you E-mail yesterday. We have a homework to write a letter asking an advice to each member. Skye was in the class to explain how we bring another site in blog, Front page, Sections & Plugoo.
Magda showed the banners example but we haven't chosen the final yet, because of only three students in the class.

I hope we will have good progress by this Thursday.

MAGDA said...

Oh, I want to go to Ellis Island too. It's incredible how many people had to go through this island in order to enter the USA.

Sandra, I bet you're enjoying the time spent with your parents. I wish my Dad and Mom could visit me in America:'( Do your parents like NYC? Hugs!