Tuesday, March 6, 2007

CEP Book Club?!!

As it was so much fun to hang out together on Monday I was thinking that could be cool to start a CEP books club. We could choose a fun book, a contemporary American novel or something different (like for example a book about democracy in the world or in the US as we discussed about it!) and we can all read it and comment it on the blog, in class or in front of a cup of coffee!! how does this sound??!! not feeling like reading an entire book in english??!! I thought it could be cool thing to do so let me know!! may be our teachers can recommend something cool!


MAGDA said...

I think it's a great idea! We can discuss different books or poetry...Even lyrics:) Yay, I love your idea!

izzyfan73 said...

That's a very good idea, but not much time is left :-(

Sue said...

Love this idea. Let's find how and go for it.

yoko said...

It's a great idea. I wish i would have more time reading literiture.
i can read a short story or poetry.
Sandra, you could be a librarian.???