Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Short Story!

Hello everyone! How is your spring-break going??!! How is S.Francisco Pilar?!
I didn't leave the city this days and I am enjoying the nice weather outside. Today I was walking and stopped at Bryant Park, where the New York Public Library is, and was soooo beautiful!!!!.. a lot, really a lot, of people having lunch in the park, outside, I couldn't believe my eyes!! it put me in the best spring mood...hope you guys are also taking advantage of the warmth!!!
I picked up the story for the Book Club, if we are still interested in doing it! I didn't have time to read it and I just choose it because I really like the author: Nick Hornby. So the story would be "Nipplejesus" by Nick Hornby.

Bye everyone! looking forward seeing you on Monday!!


izzyfan73 said...

OK Sandra, I bought the book, I'll read the story !
Yeah the weather is so warm, I was walking around Greenwich V yesterday, I was overdressed !! Even at 11 pm it was still hot and sticky !

yoko said...

Hi, Sandra, I ordered the book by Amazon. I hope I will receive it soon.
Bryant Park is a beautiful place, even it is located in the center of the city.
There is the carousel in spring time.
You picked up the story "Nipplejesus,"it sounds interesting the title of a story.
It was a nice day yesterday, but It is getting cold again today. Snow again???
Emma you went to GV yesterday??
I heard the two policemen were shot
at Bleeker & Sullivan Streets last
night. Have you ever seen that??

izzyfan73 said...

Yeah, I saw it on the news... That was in the evening, I was.. actually I was in Union Square ( ;-P Magda) ! But it's scary when you think about it. You think NYC is a safe place when you walk down the streets, when you take the subway and everything is so quiet... but when you turn on the TV and you see what's happening where you are NOT, brrrr...

sandra said...

Yeah, crazy..especially, what makes me scared when I start thinking is that people here can posses guns much more easily than in Europe...I little fight can becaome very dangerous!

yoko said...

Sandra, I received the book yesterday, and I started reading Nipplejesus. A kind of fun story...
Did anybody finish reading this?

sandra said...
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sandra said...

Yoko!! I am also right now reading it! It is kind of funny...hope you are liking it!

izzyfan73 said...

Yeah I finished reading it last night... very funny, and pretty true :-D

yoko said...

I finished it, too.
What story am I going to read next?
Sandra, you may be busy taking care of your Mom & Dad. I try reading another story this weekend.