Monday, February 5, 2007

CEP First Day

Today was the first day of the Advanced Level CEP class. It was really great to meet all of you this morning, even though it was really cold! I am very excited to get going with this class! In particular, I am interested in what experiences you have had living and studying in NYC. I remember when I first moved here it was a very big change (from a little island off the coast of Senegal called Santiago.) Now I can't imagine living anywhere else (except for the Caribbean maybe!) I look forward to getting to know you this semester!


Pilar said...

I really enjoyed my first English class this morning, despite the weather and the fact that I am used to get up at 11. 30 every morning. I also like the idea of doing homework through this blog!!! Now I have to learn how to create a new entry as to finish my homework for Wednesday. I' ll keep you posted!

izzyfan73 said...

I agree with Pilar, this class looks exciting ! I won't have to drag myself out of bed every morning like I used to for normal school ! It's going to be a great opportunity to learn not only english, but how to use a blog. It' a totally new concept, and I like that.
Now try to figure out who's hiding behind this pseudonyme !!
See you all on Wednesday !

Skye said...

Izzyfan73...there's only one student from France in the class...hmmm

izzyfan73 said...

yeah I know I know ;-)
but I posted the comment before the actual post, letting the mystery unsolved for at least a few minutes !