Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Conquering Chicks in NYC

Yup, it's really hard to think of a good title but we can't give up. OK, here's my suggestion: The Conquering Chicks in NYC hahahaha...Doesn't it suit us? I bet you're wondering where it comes from. Well, there was a punk-rock band, The Gits, in the 1990's, and one of their albums was entitled 'Enter: The Conquering Chicken' (check this out if you have a chance). The album is awesome:P So does our class! I changed the title a little bit and...surprise! Let me know if you like it. Stay warm! Hugs!

1 comment:

izzyfan73 said...

Gee Magda I think we're gonna get along pretty good, I'm also into that kind of music =:-)
other possible titles : speak english or die , ok computer, appetite for blog-struction, kickstart my computer, master of keyboards, blogology, somebody put something on my blog, the magnificent bloggers, two steps from the click, anarchy on the internet, wasted in america... oops that's slipping out of the subject...