Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Democracy according to punk rock

believing the lies defines american
they don't realize their ignorance and sin
democracy ain't real it's a fairytale
anarchy now then spend the night in jail
i won't pretend that it ain't wrong
i won't just go along
humanity is deseased
and the sickness has increased
for the people by the people
who's considered people anyway?
the rich get richer
and the poor get poorer
so much for equal opportunity!
/MXPX - 'Democracy'/

Punk-rockers have always been extremely direct as far as politics is concerned. They have never hidden their disappointment with the government and the way it acts. Punk-rock songs may seem simple but honest; they let people/musicians express themselves, and present some different points of view.
The above song by MXPX shows how much the idea of democracy can be misleading even in countries as developed as the US. Apparently, people are free and have their rights. Democracy is supposed to make everybody equal; unfortunately, this is not true...What can we do to change it?!

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