Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Hamptons

Hey everybody, I'm writing from the beautiful Hamptons (at the very end of Long Island) where my family has a second house (for holidays and week ends). It's a beautiful place, 2h30mn by train away from the city, you should definitely come check it out ! If you fancy a day at the beach in the summer, it's the place to go !You're surrounded by the bay and the ocean, beautiful... it is said to be the Beverly Hills of the East Coast...don't believe me if you want, but I spend all week ends here with the family, and yes, it is WORK !! And also, that nevermind the place you are, it's the people you are with who's important... believe me I'd rather spend my holidays with my friends in the middle of nowhere !! See you all on Monday !


yoko said...

This is a beatiful destination from NYC in weekends. I believe It's cold and tranquile in this weather.
I visited Hampton in the early summer. Yes, so clean and lovely area.
Nobady thinks it is in New York?? Only two and a half hours drive or by train.
We drove from the city, so we went to Sag-Harbor, Montauk, and BridgeHampton. I wish I have a second house with ocean view there.

MAGDA said...

Hey Girl! Yeah, it's not nice when you're somewhere and instead of enjoying yourself, you have to work. Believe me or not, I know how it is - I'M AN AU PAIR, TOO! :D See you tomorrow!

P.S.- You have to give me your e-mail address once again. I had some problems with emailing you.

Sue said...

I am so sorry that going to Hamptons is not a vacation for you. However, it's still very impressive that your family has a beach-house in Hamptons. Many in New York City would be dreaming of it, including me. :)

Pilar said...

I should admit that I had to read the post twice to understand it. It is not because your English Ema, but, because it is too late on Sunday night and I am very tired. The first time I read it, it was like: I don't get it, isn't she from France? Does her family live in NYC? Isn't she an au pair? But on the second reading, I finally got it. If you want I can take your place anytime soon, I do no t know The Hamptons and I would like to.