Friday, February 16, 2007

One Billion Bucks, !!!

Hi, girls,

In spite of attending the class yesterday, I didn't give the question for you.

So Here is My next question for you

What would you like to do if you get/have a billion backs?

It could be happening to you, girls!!!

Stay warm & have a nice weekends.


Sue said...

The answer is easy. Haha. I just have thousands things I'd like to do with 1 billon, but what I would do very first is owning a private jets.

Anonymous said...

Nice job uploading the image, Yoko! If I had one billion bucks, I'd probably invest that money in forward thinking environmentally friendly, diverse, and ethical start up companies. I'd also donate much of that money to universities and libraries around the world. And then, maybe I'd by myself a custom tailored suit with a top hat. And then I'd take my mom out to a Broadway play and buy the best seats on a Weekend night.

Pilar said...

If I won one billion bucks, I'd probably travel around the world with my husband, my family, family in law, friends and would invite different people depending in which place I am. I'd buy a nice house in Argentina, one for me and other for those who I love and of course I would invest the rest, otherwise I wouldn't have enough money to afford the expenses of so many things. If it were one million instead of one billion, I would not complain :P

MAGDA said...

I wish I had that money! OK, I would buy a house for me and my family in the US, open a punk-rock club which would support young musicians (yeah, punk's not dead!!!). I would also buy a Chevy Camaro (a model from 1979) and create a language school where immigrants could learn English. Yeah, it's good to have dreams...

sandra said...

I think I would buy a beautiful and big house for me and my family near the beach in Tuscany, my region, big enough to have all my friends there whenever they want. Then I would also buy an apartment in Amsterdam. I would also like to start an International no-profit Organization to provide education to kids all over the world!! I also would like to buy my parents a small apartment in Prague, their favorite city!!

izzyfan73 said...

well well well... I think I would travel around the world with my friends, to see all the places we want to see before we die, I'd give money to my parents so their old days would be worries-free, and I would follow my favorite bands on tours !!