Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Your favorite poet/ poem!

Hi, Girls;

We talked about poem yesterday in the class.
Who/what was your favorite writer or poet in your childhood or now?
When I was twelve I liked a Japanese Writer, Kotaro Takamura.
One of his poems," Lemon" was my favorite one. (Sorry, I don't know how translate this poem in English now)
Then when I grew up at late teen, I liked a French writer, Baudelaire whose book is well-known " Les Fleurs Du Mals". I admired his inspiration in his work.

Yesterday When we looked at the poem, every poem was so different structure and expression.
I chose Allen Ginsberg's "A California Supermarket" as my favorite. It is so dadaist and surrealistic that I like the most.
When I checked about Ginsberg in Wikipedia, he was a student of Columbia Univ. and a Jewish.

I'm waiting for your response...
(Singer Song writers are good too)


MAGDA said...

Oh, I missed such a cool class! I love poetry so much! There are so many poems I really like but I think my favorite one is 'The Sun's Last Ray' by Hartley Alexander. This piece of poetry seems very sad and induces to think about our existance, I mean, how short human life can be. I'm also keen on the fact that the poem is related to the Indian tradition.

tarpey said...

I think you've asked a great question, Yoko. It's interesting the way our taste in poetry changes as we move through different stages in our lives.

Right now, the poet I enjoy the most is ee cummings. I'm fascinated by the way he uses space and punctuation as well as words. I think one of my favorite poems of his is "you said Is."

When I was younger, I really liked the work of metaphysical British poets, like John Donne, but now I'm not as interested in that type of poetry as much, maybe because I read so much of it in college.

Magda, can you post the poem you mentioned, if you have it. I'm sure we'd all love to read it!

izzyfan73 said...

Ok, I'll draw the line here : I'm French alright, but I remember schooldays where we had to learn French poems but heart, and I can tell you, that was a bummer ! Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, all of them ! ... I think that has disgusted me for life ! So poetry for me, still now, is synonym of boredom... I know, I know, you're all thinking "how can she not like poetry, doesn't she have a heart, it's beeeeeeautiful !!! " (hey, sometimes I'm amazed about some lyrics... that's poetry too !) I think that learning in school is not a way for you to really appreciate something, because automatically you connect it with something "you have to do" (poetry or books, or whatever) and you don't enjoy it. At least, I didn't. In Italian classes we used to study Dante and some other Italian poets, but that we fun because the teacher was interesting. And someday I found myself trying to read "the Divine Comedy" for my pleasure, but had to give up because my italian was so bad... So don't get me wrong : it's something that I want to dig more in the future (just like some books I want to read but never have the time) to see if I enjoy it now, better than before (because I'm a grown up now - lol). Starting with some of Jim Morrison's work.

yoko said...

I don't know about ee cummings, His name reflected on his works, sounds like. I'll try knowing about him, but I'm afraid that my grammar could be confused soon.

Emmanuelle, I am ashamed to read yours, even I'm Japanese. There are so many creators in France.
I admire French Language and Literature, I like from late nineteen century to early twenty century in Paris. I wish I were in Paris at that time, seriously.

Have you started to read Jim Morrison's? His grave is in Paris.