Thursday, May 31, 2007

What's a good Au Pair gig?

I have a question for the Time Out CEP expert editors: what qualifies as a good Au Pair job in New York City? For example, pay rate, vacation days, level of responsibility, etc. I have a friend who is interested in this type of job, and she wants to know what she should ask her future employer.


Mr. Waki

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Ciao Girls!!

so, when the next pic-nic/book club session?! what about friday morning at the park?!

let me know!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Brunch in Central Park!!

Hi Everyone!! We had so much fun today! We should do it more often! Here are some pictures I took! Enjoy them :P

Thursday, May 3, 2007

the conquering chicks of NYC !

Here are the pictures I took on the last day of class at the cafe . Pilar, we missed you !!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Finally Decided Where to Move

Hello, how are you everyone?
This blog has been quiet for a while. It's only been a week since our class was over, but I feel like it's more than a week. I guess it's because, for the whole semester, the class really kept me busy and took the large part of my daily life.

Anyway, I had a busy week with house searching, and last Thurday, we finally made a contract. I'll be moving to Hoboken, New Jersey, 10 minutes path from 34th St. of Manhattan. Well, it's kind of sad that I have to leave Manhattan, but I can't afford to 2 bedroom apartment in Manhattan. That's the reality. I still have one more month to live here in the city, so I'm going to make the most of it. Now my biggest worry - "I'll be kicked out of my home, and there's no place to go." - was gone. I feel much relieved. :)

When is our book club going to be? Next Friday works for everyone?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The group picture was missing someone...

Now, don't make fun of my Photoshop skills (or lack thereof...) Great job last week! I am sad class has finished!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Beautiful Sun...and me in the library!!!

Hola guapas!! Hi beautiful!
I am still working on that damned paper, locked in the library while the sun is finally shining, warm as never before!!
I was on the msn and met Pilar who was going for a pic-nic in Central Park! we thought that would be a great idea to go all together for another pic-nic one of these days as it seems that the sun will last for a while...! we could all bring some food and enjoy the beautiful weather!!
let's do it!
Hey sue, you scared me to death with the story of the raper...let's all watch out!

Finally Spring?

Look at this weather! Now I can say that the notorious winter is officially over. Today I am only putting on a short-sleeve shirt and a light leather jacket, but it still seems like I'm way over dressed. This pleasant sunny weather reminds me of my lost camera. :(

By the way, have you guys heard about the terrible assault happened to a Columbia graduate student in Hamilton Heights? It was so vicious that I just couldn't believe it was actullay committed by a human. It was reported yesterday that the attacker was witnessed around Hamilton Heights again, so anyone living near Columbia University where is close to Hamilton Heights, be extremely careful. Hope you all have a great day.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Would you have i-phone or not? About 600 Bucks

AT&T COO Sees IPhone Launching On Schedule At End Of June
9:39 AM ET - Dow Jones News
By Roger Cheng
Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- AT&T Inc. (T) is on schedule to launch Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) much-hyped iPhone at the end of June, according to AT&T Chief Operating Officer Randall Stephenson.
The affirmation comes amid speculation Apple would have to delay the launch for further testing of the mobile device. Last week, the company said it would delay the release of Leopard, the next upgrade of its operating system, to devote more resources to the iPhone.
It's a testament to the importance of the iPhone to both Apple and AT&T, as the device is poised to potentially shake up the handset industry. While it didn't make an appearance at last month's CTIA Wireless trade show, it still was widely discussed.
AT&T's wireless arm is the only carrier that will sell the device in conjunction with its service. Stephenson reiterated comments made at the trade show when he said more than 1 million customers have signed up on the Web site expressing interest for the phone.
Stephenson made the comments at a Boston College Chief Executives' Club luncheon. Those comments were confirmed by spokesman Michael Coe.
While the launch time frame of June is widely known, it's still unclear what the pricing plan will be. Apple and AT&T said the price will be $499 to $599, depending on the memory of the device, but they have yet to comment on any potential rebates. Discounts are common for customers who sign a long-term contract with a carrier.
AT&t was up 4 cents in recent premarket activity, to $39.01, while Apple was down 26 cents to $90.14.
-By Roger Cheng, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-2020;

> Dow Jones Newswires
04-19-07 0939ET
Copyright (c) 2007 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

CEP Stories

double click the window to start the movie
you'll need the QT plugin, located here

Group 1 Advertisement

double click the window to start the movie
you'll need the QT plugin, located here

Group 2 Advertisement

double click the window to start
you'll need the QT plugin, located here

Free dictionary

As I promised, I am sending you the website where you can find many idioms. You just have to try with any word you on the search bar and that's it!!


hey!! want to share with you a beautiful news: I will be volunteering at the tribeca in the filmakers department. This is such good news for me, I will experience the festival from inside, have free tickets(!!) and hope lot of fun!
I will update you on how it is going!!
after the presentation of today I can do everything!!!

We did it

Time out cep editors rock!! Hi everybody!! It was a lot of fun today, wasn't it? Despite the nervous we were at the beginning I think the presentation was great, I could feel we were enjoying it while doing it. The commercials are great, so please, try to post them asap. Thank you very much to our teachers for making us work hard, for the great assignments you've prepared, and everything...We all had fun, we've learned, but also we went to class because we felt like going, because every time we missed it, we felt like we were really losing a great time. I also want to thank the rest of the class, you girls are amazing and I've learned a lot from you, I don't know if you could learn from me, but I least I think I made you laugh!!!
You are always welcome to Argentina!! See you tomorrow!!! Keep in touch!!
Pili :P

Monday, April 16, 2007


Hi girls!! Here I am talking again about the Book Club...

what you think, are we going to have the Book Club on Thursday after our last class???!!! (sigh sigh...:(((()
Let me know what you think about that. I have time so for me it is fine. May be we can read the story that Yoko was suggesting for last time...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Back in Town

Hello, class. I am just back in New York City from Washington D.C.
Totally exhausted, so I just feel like jumping into the bed. 6-hour driving in this awful weather was never fun to do. (I didn't drive, of course. But being a backseat driver for 6 hours was not an easy job, either. Haha)
Let me just get some sleep first, then I have to catch up all the blog posts and emails.
See you guys tomorrow.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

No, it can't be!

Hi guys,

I hope you're having a wonderful weekend! I'm working today, but I took a break and I decided to post something on the blog. I can't believe we're almost done with our classes:'( It makes me really sad because I have not only enjoyed every class so far, but also met awesome people and I know I'll miss you. Wow, time really flies! I remember our first class; I was so nervous hahahaha...And now, it's almost over. Boohoohoo...See you on Mon!

Hey teachers!!
Thanks for coming to the party yesterday night, was really much fun to have you there. I hope you enjoyed as much as me!!
Girls, was cool if you all were there, we should definetely find some time to go out all together.
Have a nice week-end all!!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Slang & Phrasal Verbs

I know some of you mentioned this past week that you couldn't find the links to the slang/idioms websites that I'd sent you by e-mail, so I wanted to post them here for you:

Urban Dictionary
This one has a lot of very recent slang. In fact, much of it is so new that I've never even heard it before. It might be a good idea to google a word before using it so that you can see if it's common and how it's actually used.

Slang City
Some of the words on this site are kind of vulgar, but you can find a lot of useful slang if you look under "movies" and "music."

English Phrasal Verbs
One of the students whom I tutor privately has been using this website to study phrasal verbs. She finds it very comprehensive, so I thought I would share it with all of you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Book Club!

Hey chicas!!!

I am sorry but I won't be able to stay after class for the Book Club tomorrow...I just discovered that by Tuesday I have to send to my professor a draft of my paper project which...I barely started!!! so I need some of the afternoon tomorrow to work on it....I will lock myself in the library!!!
If this week the Book Club doesn't work out I will be there next Thursday for sure!!!

Name: The Hills

Country: Jamaica

What's brought you to NYC?: definitely, not the weather.

Interests/Hobbies: Reggae

What's it been like being an editor of Time Out CEP?: Awesome

Spring has come?

Good Morning, girls;

I was walking on the West Village yesterday. It had still cold breeze in Manhattan.
I found a famous bakery in the area, "Magnolia Bakery". It's well-known for original cupcakes and Sex & city's Carrie's destination. It's a tiny store, and self service if you would like to buy cupcakes. There are different colors of decoration of the frost on the sugar top. Pink, lime, chocolate, yellow, and some pastel color. But they are toooooooo sweet. Location is 401 Bleecker street.( cross street of Bleeker & W 11th St.) Price of cupcake is about $2 each. The birthday cakes, and other cakes are handmade here and sold.
I'm sick this morning, Sorry I cannot attend the class today. But I'll try going tomorrow. I'll post the comments in TimeOut CEP Blog.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Inspiration for MS Paint Users

Don't feel limited by Microsoft Paint. Yes, you can create a masterpiece!

being a good story cool!

I was thinking about the lesson today on how to tell a good is such a wonderful gift when people can be entertaining while they tell you a story. It's a kind of magic. Would be great if we all can learn how to become good story English! I think the Book Club could help us, it is a good exercise to read a story and try to tell it to others!! so, I am looking forward to our Book Club on Thursday, we are doing it, right??!! also, the story that Yoko choose has something to do with good story tellers, check it out...

Parents' Visit

Hello, class! Did you all have a happy easter?
I am very sorry to say that I can't make it to the class this week because my parents are visiting New York right now. I picked them up at the airport on Saturday, and we altogether had pretty hectic 2 days since arrival.
While they are staying with me for about a week, I'd like to spend as much time as possible, and at the same time, I sadly have to say that I'll miss the whole week. (I even have a great eavesdropping index card!!!) Anyway, please keep me posted what's happing in the class, what I should do for the final project and etc.
By the way, did you see snowing yesterday? It's April! How could it be possible!!!
See you all next week!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

School's out...

Hey you all
I took my Mum back to the airport today :-( It was fun, event though the weather was awful. I'm glad she came, because she left this afternoon with 2 more suitcases full of my stuff !!!
I'll have more time this week for class and assignements, I promise, I should see you all on Wednesday morning.
I'm working on my advice column, but somebody needs to tell me if we have to publish it on the blog and what format it should have. I'm also planning to review 2 concerts I'm going to this week (one yesterday and one next wednesday) for our free assignement we have to do before the end of class.
See you soon !!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Time Out CEP

Hi all!!

I introduced a section in the magazine about cinema and Tv if you don't like we can change!! we can talk about it in class, I thought it was cool if we had some films reviewed!!

see you on Monday!!!


Hi girls!!
You are all (teachers and husbands or boyfriends included!) invited to a party that a friend of Lev is throwing Friday the 13th at his house! The address is: 201 W 105th st. (just off of Amsterdam Ave.) Apt # 33. The Party will start around 10pm!
Let me know if you think you are coming!!!
Could be really a lot of fun!!!




Wednesday, April 4, 2007

google scholar...

Here's some embed code to add Google Scholar to a webpage/blog, if anyone's interested...

Google Scholar

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I memorize the basics...and feel warm:)

I was searching for some videos on YouTube yesterday and I came across 'Little Things' by Bush. It used to be one of my favorite bands when I was a teenager...Although I'm more into punk rock nowadays, I think this song still rocks! Check it out! Even if you don't like the music, you may find the video interesting;)

Monday, April 2, 2007

Around the city with the Folks!!!

Hi all!!!

I am sorry I missed class today, but I am being very busy with my parents, showing them around the city, and I couldn't do any work...It is being very nice to have them here, everyday I want to show them as much as possible because we don't know when is it going to be possible for them to be in NY again!! yesterday we spent all day in Ellis Island, visiting the museum of immigration. It is a very beautiful experience. Basically the museum is set in the place where all the immigrants arrived and where they had to go through all the process to be admitted in the States, like medical visits and psycological and language tests. If you go take the audio guide, it is really well done!!! at night I went with my parents in Harlem, in a very nice tea place which I will review for the magazine!!!
Yoko, thanks for choosing the next short story, sounds exciting!!
hey Tara, was nice to see you in the subway on saturday!! didn't know teachers have a private life as well!!!!! hope your dinner was fun...!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

***The Next Story to Read for Book Club***

Good morning,

After Thursday (3.29.07) book club meeting at Max Cafe, I asked Sandra what story we will read next. She mentioned to me I could choose the next story, So I looked at the book and decided the next story to read. " The Department of Nothing ", written by Colin Firth. Because he is one of my favorite actors and I've already known who he is. We may enjoy the story, or not at all; The title sounds interesting. Let's find out!!!
" the Department of Nothing " is our next story from Speaking with the angel .

See you Next Week.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

More help on formatting...

Sorry I missed class today! I look forward to seeing you all every Thursday, so my week doesn't feel quite "right" this week...

Anyhow, I hear you have some more questions about formatting the Time Out CEP blog so that it doesn't automatically go to the most recent post. It sounds like you want an index page, or a main page (as it's called on web pages). Try checking out this link and searching "archiving pages."

Here's a blog entry that might be useful as well:
"Which is Better..."
It kind of sounds like you want more of a website rather than a blog, so Google Pages might be the way to go in this case (although it'll be a lot of work learning a new application I think.) It's worth taking a look at Google Pages if you get a chance.

Hope this helps, if not, please come in with more questions on Monday (I'll also show you how to setup your own Plugoo...

PS...I don't think "Dummies Guide to Blogger" is the correct title for you guys!

Changes on Time Out CEP

Hey everyone
A quick post to tell you I've changed the labels on the Time out CEP blog, EAT AND DRINK instead of restaurants guide, and MUSIC for Magda's review and mine. I'm gonna start work on our assignement and if I that works, will post it in the google thingy. Is it ok to delete everything we have written there and start new ?
See ya, keep up the good work !!

Book Club Today

Yoko, Pilar, Sandra and I had such a great time together. We went to the Max Cafe, and had a very intellectual, profound conversation about our first story "NippleJejus by Nick Hornby" ...... for about 10 minutes. For the rest of time, our conversation focused more on other very important issues such as "How we met our significant other" and things like that.
Well, Pilar and I didn't read the story today, so we found it kind of hard to discuss. However, it was definitely a nice time to get to know each other better. I realized that I've always longed for time only for our private chat freed from a class assignment. I truly look forward to next book club. I promise that I'll be prepared for it. When is it going to be? I hope more people could join next time.

Do we continue to read the same book? Or would it be a different book?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

changing the size of videos in the embed code

If you want to make a video smaller, simply adjust the embed width and embed height numbers:

Normal (width = 448, height = 365)

Small (width = 320, height = 240)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Here's an interesting little widget called PLUGOO. Check out the website here and let me know if this could be something we could use to chat on the blog...


hey, just want to remind you this thursday we are going to have the first session of our book club...
it will be from 12 to 1 pm in some place around TC! it is kind of a cool excuse to continue our nice time and conversation even after class!!
if there is any problem for time and date let's talk about it tomorrow...!!!

see you!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

break dancing baby

Just had to share this little dude break dancing! Enjoy..

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I wish weekend was longer

Hi everybody,

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend. I went to my cluster meeting today. It took place in Queens this time and we went to one Indian restaurant. I paid only $12 (including tax and tips) and I could eat and eat...My luch was so yummy! If you're interested, the place is called Jackson Diner and here's the address: 37-47 74th Street, Jackson Heights.

I'm also posting the pics we took last Wed. CEP rocks! :P

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Coffee Time Again!!

Oh, I was so nervous about my presentation in the class today.
But It's a nice day after the class, specially on Thursday, isn't it? I've read " NippleJesus", Sandra. what's the next plan you're thinking about?

We talked about sections of Timeout CEP today. Reveiw is going to be a different titled layer.
I suggested Pilar that she post about her trip of San Francisco and Sonoma Country in Travel section. I'm sure Pilar can write about her San Francisco.
Also Emmanuelle's Rock Trip, Magda's Home,and Sue's Myrtle Beach ( whatever they titled ) which were posted in CEP planet, may go to Travel/music/home? That why I asked how to connect with another links(CEP Planet / Words and Images)in Timeout.
Tara said that we could choose a favorite topic as the final assignment of Timeout last week. You may think about these as the final?

Anyhow, I'm wondering what plan you will have this weekend.
NY Spring is around the corner, I hope. No SNOW & COLD PLEASE.

Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fire at TC???

When I was on the way home around 7:30 pm, I passed by Teachers College. (My home is at 120th St. and Morningside Dr.) And I realized that something was happening in front of the Whittier Hall - the one facing Amsteram Ave. There were 4 or 5 fire engines standing on the street with their sirens on. And I saw a few fire fighters coming out of the building. I looked up to find out what happened in the building, but I didn't see any fire or smoke.

Did fire break out at Teachers College? I hope not. After a few minutes, I saw fire engines starting to leave. (I was at a grocery store across the street.) Well, I guess nothing serious actually occured, but still wondering what brought them to the building.

In fall of 2005, I lived in a brownstone building on 113th St. One evening, someone knocked my door. I asked who, and she answered she was my neighbor living downstairs. What she said was that fire just broke out on the 2nd floor (I was on 4th.), so it would be better to escape even if fire didn't seem that serious. First, I was a bit surprised and afraid, and started to think what I should bring along with me. My passport? My laptop? What else??? Then, when I opened the door again, I was not able to see anything clear except thick layers of smoke filled in the whole staircase. I was toally freaked out. My head suddenly got blanked, and somehow I managed to go down one step by one step while it was still impossible to look ahead. When I reached to the 2nd floor, I saw many fire fighters moving back and forth. I felt a little relieved.

I succeeded in escaping out of the building after all. All I brought was a bundle of keys. Fortunately, that fire didn't harm anything in the building except some stuff inside the unit where fire originally came from. This is my nearest experience related to fire. It turned out nothing, but it scared me enough. Everyone, be careful!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

NYC for parents

This is very parents will arrive in New York next Friday!!! I am very happy of showing them around and have them here for two weeks. I am very curious about their reaction in front of the big apple: my mum and dad love to travel but never travelled outside of Europe, it will be a lot of fun to see how they feel about NY and the lifestyle here. I have some ideas about where to go with them but would love to have some suggestions from you!!! tell me about your favourite places in the city and places where you can have beautiful views....

Friday, March 16, 2007


OH... MY... GOD !!!!! Sometimes I cannot believe how intuitive I can be lol
One hour ago I was on google, not really knowing what I was looking for. I wrote something in the search bar, then I erased it and typed "Paul Gilbert", to get some news from my favorite guitar player... and then my heart stopped.
Do you know what G3 is ? It's a "concept" band, 3 great guitar players playing a solo gig and then a big jam together.
So what did I read ? "G3 Amrican tour !! Joe Satriani, John Petrucci... and me." . Me ? wait. Paul Gilbert ? Paul Gilbert is on tour with G3 ? I mean, Paul Gilbert is on tour ? in America ? Not in Japan as usual ? wait. I'm in America too. wait (start to hyperventilate). ok. Dates. Oh my God. New York City, april 11th. wait. What day is it ? (run down stairs to calendar). Wednesday. Oh my God !!! My day off. Run back upstairs, type ticketmaster, clic clic clic I don't care about the prices show tickets left buy. Done. I'm the proud owner of a ticket to the concert of G3 2007 at Madison Square Garden.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Short Story!

Hello everyone! How is your spring-break going??!! How is S.Francisco Pilar?!
I didn't leave the city this days and I am enjoying the nice weather outside. Today I was walking and stopped at Bryant Park, where the New York Public Library is, and was soooo beautiful!!!!.. a lot, really a lot, of people having lunch in the park, outside, I couldn't believe my eyes!! it put me in the best spring mood...hope you guys are also taking advantage of the warmth!!!
I picked up the story for the Book Club, if we are still interested in doing it! I didn't have time to read it and I just choose it because I really like the author: Nick Hornby. So the story would be "Nipplejesus" by Nick Hornby.

Bye everyone! looking forward seeing you on Monday!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

NYC welcomes hungry birds from Africa

Yes, being an au pair can be very amusing from time to time...I truly hate when kids play with food and waste it. The youngest boy I take care of often has gold fish for snack when I pick him up from school in the afternoon. A few times I saw him throwing gold fish in the air and trying to catch it in his mouth. Naturally, this 7-year-old guy is not as good at this activity as he would like to be, so his snack tends to fall to the ground. I can't really stand such situations and I said to him: 'Oh, come on! The kids in Africa don't even know that there's something like gold fish. They are starving and you are wasting your food. Shame on you, Mikey!' I don't think I exaggerated; I just wanted him to understand something. Yesterday, we were waiting for a bus and Mikey was eating gold fish (yup, again!) in the meantime. Suddenly, he dropped a couple (he said it was by accident...yeah right!). My reaction was typical: 'Mikey, I told you something about wasting food. Don't you remember that?' He said: 'Yeah, I know, but birds from Africa can have it!' I found his reply hilarious:D I was standing in the street and laughing like crazy. Birds from Africa...Yeah, birds from Africa are also starving so they can fly to Manhattan and have the gold fish that Mikey dropped. OK, I know he's only 7 (almost 8), but still...

Friday, March 9, 2007

Wait a minute Mr Postman!

Hi Everyone! I want to share with you a creepy story that happened to me few days ago. When I knew I was pregnant, I called a doctor that my sister in law recommended and went and visit him. He examined me and he also took a blood sample as to be analyze. Bye, bye, see you next time.
You may also know that when I came here in January I hired a visit insurance with a maternal plan (just in case), the thing is "just in case" was suddenly " a "fact", I was pregnant. Great news, so nice, so soon, so everything!!! Well, one week after I had gone to the doctor I received a call from the Dr's office saying that they have called my insurance and they've said that my plan doesn't cover maternity. How come? My husband and I, called the insurance office to ask what was going on and they told us that we are not covered because the "small letter" (that actually was bold and quite big) says that you are covered only if you get pregnant 30 days after the date you hire the service. Of course, it wasn't my case. Bad luck.
The worst is yet to come. One day, Pablo came home with a letter for me. At the beginning I was so excited, I never receive letters!! The excitement suddenly was gone, I read in the envelope "invoice included". Invoice? Which invoice? It was the laboratory! I received an invoice for $1,187.73!!! Can you believe that? That money for a blood test???!!! We called everyone, the doctor, the laboratory, the insurance!! No way, we have to pay!! The thing is that if I had known the price for the blood test, I would have buy a ticket to Argentina, go home, visit my family, my nephew who I don't know yet, and take and do whichever exam I need without paying anything!!! I cannot believe how expensive is the health care system in this country! I don't want you to get depressed on a Friday night, not even during spring break. The good thing is that I still have hope, I went today to a Hospital and talk to a woman that is going to help me with my case. If the lab gives me a waiver, I will share the good news with you, of course!!! Actually it's been a while without posting, so I decided to write something and this is what came up to my mind first, maybe because it's something that really matters me at this moment.
Have fun wherever you are, see you soon, Pilar.


Pretty Cool

Just wanted to share this cool video...

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Meatloaf, Girls!!

Hi, Girls;

When I came back home today I'm so hungry and I made this!! it's meatloaf, an American food.
Everybody can make it: as easy as
Banana Loaf of Madga.

Try it.
Receipt is below;
You need

Ground meats (beef/ park/ veal) 1 1/4 lbs.
Onion chopped 1/4 cup
Fresh parsley chopped 1/4 cup
Carrot shred 1/4 cup
Cheddar cheese shredder 1/4 cup
All-purpose flour 2 tbs.
Dry bread crumbs 1/4 cup
Worcestershire sauce or Soy sauce 1-2 tbs.
One egg beaten (Jumbo egg 1 or Large egg 2)
Milk or Sour cream 2 tbs.
Oil (such as extra virgin olive, canola is better)

Seasoning; Salt, Fresh Ground Black Pepper, Garlic powder, Herbs De Provence or Canadian Seasoning(if you don't have these spices, you can use allspice, thyme, rosemary, sage,fennel, savory, tarragon, as your desire)

Medium size casserole( mine is oval about 2-3 servings)

Preheat oven to 350F. In a large bowl add all ingredients except egg, milk& spices. Mix well toghether. Add spices, milk and egg. Place in a casserole lightly coated with olive oil. Bake about 1 1/4 hours in the oven.
While you baking loaf you can make some of vegetables, such as mashed potatoes, green peas, cauliflowers(this is your side dish).

The meatloaf is done, you can wait for about 5-7 minutes and serve at the table.
It goes good with red wine or beer.
Enjoy your meal!!!

If you left the meal, it would go better taste next day. You can cook double in weekend and save for tomorrow.
It is not necessary to use salt because of cheese and Worcestershire sauce already having salt.


Okay everybody !
I tried to save the promos for the edit jam as drafts, then to publish the one we're keeping, but I had a few problems :
- I cannot find Yoko's
- I cannot find Sandra's promo
- I think it's because I'm only allowed to change my posts !

So, I need ;
- each one of you to save her promo as a draft (once on the dashboard>manage posts>edit>save as draft)
- Yoko re-publish yours
- Sandra send me your picture by email
Then I will publish the final version !

Hope it will all work out. I'll keep you posted !
See ya'

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Where am I???

Hello, class.
Does anyone of you remember that I was going to Myrtle Beach for spring break?
Well, I am in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina right now. o.o;;;
What a surprise. I mean, I didn't know that it is in this week. Spring break in Business School is always one week ealier than other colleges in Columbia. I forgot about this, and realized on Monday that our depature should be on the next day.
This time, I left it up to my husband to do all the planning for the break, so he did. And I only asked him where we would go, not when. Well....what happened is, I ended up here in Myrtle Beach.

The weather is fantastic. Very warm, sunny, beautiful golf courses all around. (Except weather, though, New York is much much much better. The town is quite boring for me.) Anyway, once I came here for vacation, I decided to enjoy as much as I can. But still, I feel so bad that I have to miss classes this week. The theme of this week sounds so much fun to me, so I really want to be a part of it. Tara and Joachim, please let me catch up.

I am coming back this Saturday. See you guys all.
(BTW, when will we all meet again? March 19th?)

Banana bread, anyone?

Guess what I was doing after our class yesterday? Yup, baking, baking, baking and…cooking!!! Results: lamb chops, Smokin’ Sexy Chocolate Cake (one of the boys I take care of asked me to write this phrase on that cake) and banana bread! The last thing is extremely easy to make so I want to share the recipe with you, guys! Here we go:

You need: 3 ripe bananas (well mashed), 2 eggs (well beaten), 2 cups flour, ¾ cup sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat the oven to 350’F. Grease a loaf pan. Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. Put the batter in the pan and bake for 1 hour.

Simple, huh?

Bon appetit!

CEP Book Club?!!

As it was so much fun to hang out together on Monday I was thinking that could be cool to start a CEP books club. We could choose a fun book, a contemporary American novel or something different (like for example a book about democracy in the world or in the US as we discussed about it!) and we can all read it and comment it on the blog, in class or in front of a cup of coffee!! how does this sound??!! not feeling like reading an entire book in english??!! I thought it could be cool thing to do so let me know!! may be our teachers can recommend something cool!

Monday's Class

I think we had a little too much fun writing reviews of local coffee shops during class on Monday! I thought you might enjoy these pictures of all of us at Kitchenette. Did everyone enjoy their breakfast here?

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Future Rock Stars ?

Hey everybody, here's a video of my kids, so you can really see how fun and entertaining they can be sometimes ! Hope that does the trick ! I'm pretty proud of myself !
Hope the EditJam went well, sorry I couldn't make it, due to those two. Expect to hear some feedback !
See you Monday !!

Thursday, March 1, 2007


This is the interesting video about democracy & fascism by Dr. Howard Zinn.

How much does this coffee cost???

I don't know if I can afford Starbucks anymore!


I wonder if there is something about this video that I don't get??!! what you guys think??!!

Emmanuelle's test 1, 2, 1, 1,2

Dudes, I did it! :P

Yeah, I did it!

Guess what's showing in this video

Can you?

Pilar @ home

Hi Everyone! I am just writing to you to tell you that I could not go to class today, because I am feeling awful. This Thursday morning sickness is worse than the other days, so I've decided to stay at home. I hope to feel better tomorrow to enjoy the Edit Jam II. See you, Pil@r.

Hooray for our class !!

Just a quick post to say that yesterday, I had my monthly meeting with the other au pairs of my cluster and our counselor. We had to introduce ourselves bla bla bla and tell if we were taking some classes. And a lot are taking CEP classes at TC and say that it's... BORING !!! I was glad to prove the opposite !! Hooray for Tara and Joachim !! (and Skye :P)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The beauty of New York

Some months ago I read this book and I found a powerful definition of the beauty of New York (As our teachers freed my poetical vein some lessons ago, you now pay the consequences!!!).
I don't know yet if I agree but I think are very beautiful words so I share with you and you can tell me what you think.

The Beauty of New York (from "The Unberable lightness of Being" by Kundera)

“Franz and Sabina would walk the streets of New York for hours at a time. The view changed with each step, as if they were following a winding mountain path surrounded by breathtaking scenery: a young man kneeling in the middle of the sidewalk praying; a few steps away, a beautiful black woman leaning against a tree; a black man in a suit directing an invisible orchestra while crossing the street; a fountain spurting water and a group of construction workers sitting on the rim eating lunch; strange iron ladders running up and down buildings with ugly red facades, so ugly that they were beautiful; and next door, a huge glass skyscraper backed by another, itself topped by a small Arabian pleasure-dome with turrets, galleries and gilded columns.
She was reminded of her paintings. There, too, incongruous things came together: a steelwork construction site superimposed on a kerosene lamp; an old-fashioned lamp with painted-glass shade shattered into tiny splinters and rising up over a desolate landscape of marshland.
Franz said, “Beauty in the European sense has always had a premeditated quality to it. We’ve always had an aesthetic intention and a long-range plan. That’s what enabled Western man to spend decades building a Gothic cathedral or a Renaissance piazza. The beauty of New York rest on a completely different base. It’s unintentional. It arose independent form human design, like a stalagmitic cavern. Forms which are in themselves quite ugly turn up fortuitously, without design, in such incredible surroundings that they sparkle with a sudden wondrous poetry.”

Democracy according to punk rock

believing the lies defines american
they don't realize their ignorance and sin
democracy ain't real it's a fairytale
anarchy now then spend the night in jail
i won't pretend that it ain't wrong
i won't just go along
humanity is deseased
and the sickness has increased
for the people by the people
who's considered people anyway?
the rich get richer
and the poor get poorer
so much for equal opportunity!
/MXPX - 'Democracy'/

Punk-rockers have always been extremely direct as far as politics is concerned. They have never hidden their disappointment with the government and the way it acts. Punk-rock songs may seem simple but honest; they let people/musicians express themselves, and present some different points of view.
The above song by MXPX shows how much the idea of democracy can be misleading even in countries as developed as the US. Apparently, people are free and have their rights. Democracy is supposed to make everybody equal; unfortunately, this is not true...What can we do to change it?!

Questioning freedom of speech : the Black List

For decades, singers and songwriters have been finding in governments and democracy issues some material to write. From Bob Dylan to Neil Young, Rage Against The Machine to U2, punk rock bands to Dixie Chicks, they’ve been denouncing all that’s not going round in this world.

In the past years, the “illegal” election of Georges W. Bush in 2000 has been very inspiring. Pearl Jam’s “Riot Act” is a reaction to that, particularly the song “Bushleaguer”, the first real implication of the band with political issues, that gives them today the label of “engaged artists” (though in the past they fought against Ticketmaster to keep concert tickets prices low). They are now trying to raise awareness and push people – especially the young – to vote, and lead singer Eddie Vedder doesn’t hide his political choices anymore.

War(s) in Iraq (or Vietnam) have been proven to be good fuel too (without any word game). Even the Black Eyed Peas and their single “Where is the love ?” tried to make MTV-friendly protestation. You find at least one song on every rock album today that is dedicated to Bush and his little business in the Middle East, and all the lives that are lost there.

Well, all the fuss these artists have created was not of everyone’s taste, especially not Clear Channel, a big corporation that owns over a thousand radio stations in the USA (60% of rock-format stations). After the attacks of 9/11, they put a list together of more than 150 “questionable songs”, emailed it to the stations, with the not-so-subtle hint that these were songs to be steered of. The list, referred to as “black list”, seemed to include songs that contained words that were taboo at the time (included “Walk like an Egyptian” by the Bangles, or Tom Petty “Learning to fly”…) as well as pro-peace messages, like Bruce Springsteen’s “War” and John Lennon’s “Imagine”, as if being in favor of peace was a political point of view that was “questionable”. That included also ALL Rage Against The Machine songs (famous for their radical political beliefs). Their website used to have a message board, hosted by a company called Infopop, for fans to post their feelings or thoughts on any topic. On the day of the terrorist attacks, Infopop claimed that the Secret Services called them because of threats on the message board. In order to avoid further trouble from the government, Infopop stopped hosting the Rage message board, and the cyber meeting place came to a halt…

How far can it go ? There is not much distance from making a list of banned songs and banned artists to drawing up lists of banned books or banned journalists… and that is not a democratic country, but something that has more to do with dictatorship, and if I remember well, that’s exactly what America’s government is claiming to fight against, and one of them was hanged not long ago…

So, is speech really free in the USA ? Land of the free, home of the brave ? What we think is a model of democracy, progress, personal achievement ? If we take a closer look, we can see clearly that there is a line of “politically correct” not to cross. If you take a stand against Establishment, expect the storm your seeds created. Nobody likes to be criticized, and denouncing the mistakes that your country makes is something even less appreciated, something you are not supposed to stand against, and consequently, as an artist, you’re basically bound to sing about love and little birds, and the blue sky… without bombs…

Monday, February 26, 2007

Democracy in Korea

There were heroic sacrifices for establishing democracy in Korea.

Imaging Democracy

I think this picture by Jackson Pollock represent democracy the way I ideally think about it. Different ideas, different people, different colours giving their own unique contribution to our society...

Democracy is Dead or Still Alive?

What do you think about this poster?
What does he see in the binoculars???

I think it is critical, but people think about a certain feeling now in this country(in America).
Democracy has been one ideology of all governments since the civilization started(European).
Some people use this concept to justify their ideas and to create political groups.

Am I a little radical ?
I will write about Japanese democracy next time.

Democracy in Argentina

In Argentina, democracy was restored in 1983. Since 1976 to 1983 the military forces took the power. Those were difficult times for argentine people who could not express themselves. The military government repressed opposition and terrorist leftist groups using harsh illegal measures.

But, as I said before, in 1983 the democracy has been restored. Although people can express themselves, and that every 4 years people elect their president it seems that democracy is not everything that is expected to be... The Executive branch has certain powers that allow the president to decide over certain issues without the consensus of the people. Notwithstanding the above, democracy is a "new concept" in Argentina and we are still working on it and how to root it in our mind, in our soul, and in our lives.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


People deciding and being responsible for their world!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Pics from Poland:)

My week at home is almost over:'( Honestly, I don't feel like flying to the US on Sunday. Why can't I stay one more week?! Anyway, I'm posting two pics so you can see how my country and dogs look like. Hope you like them:$